

在线: 登录到 WebRunner, click the student tab, select Student 账户 and click on "Make a Payment". 

Visa、万事达卡、Discover和美国运通卡均可接受. 没有额外的 费用是通过借记卡或信用卡支付的.

邮件: 请将附有学生证号码的支票或汇票寄至:
奥尔巴尼,OR 97321

Checks and money orders, made payable to 博天堂官方, are accepted for the amount due only. 两方支票将不被接受. 对退回的支票要收取20美元的费用.

电话: 信用卡和借记卡都可以通过电话支付. 打电话给541-917-4303.

邮箱: Payment drop boxes and envelopes are located on the Albany campus in Takena Hall 和卡拉波亚中心(商务办公室前).


An 授权用户 is an individual (parent, guardian, or employer) whom an 博天堂官方 student 是否已批准代他们进行电子支付.


  • 单击Student选项卡
  • 选择“学生帐户”
  • 点击“点击这里”进行付款或授权其他付款人
  • Enroll your 授权用户 in the Touchnet Gateway in the My Profile Setup section

After the student sends the invite, the 授权用户 will receive an email invitation to 在Touchnet网关上注册 哪一个可以用你的电子邮件地址和密码全天候访问.

授权付款人应只支付当期到期的余额. 信用余额将被退还 to the student unless payment was made by credit card, in which case, the card used 将被记入.

Completed disclosure authorizations should be submitted to registration for processing. 披露授权也可以通过以下方式完成 WebRunner. 单击个人信息选项卡. Choose Update > Display Disclosure Information. 披露的授权.

  • Completed disclosure authorizations should be submitted to registration for processing.
  • 披露授权也可以通过WebRunner完成.
  • 单击个人信息选项卡
  • 选择Update//显示披露信息


Third-party billing is when a private or government agency (such as employer or sponsoring 机构)支付你的学费或费用的任何部分.  第三方支付大学费用 直接 on behalf of the student with an agreement, commitment and/or obligation 付款方和学生之间.



  • They will cover all or most of your tuition and fees and/or books and supplies
  • 他们将直接向博天堂官方付款
  • 他们需要一份以他们的名字写地址的明细发票


  • 和你的担保人核实一下
    Before you register for classes, check with your sponsor and make sure they have a formal billing arrangement with 博天堂官方 (see Sponsor's Guide to 第三方收费).

  • 提供计费授权
    Have your sponsor provide a billing authorization to you or to the college.

  • 按时交作业
    我们必须在 付款截止日期. It’s up to you to make sure the billing authorization is received on time. 电子邮件 授权wheeles@linnbenton.Edu,或邮寄至:
    奥尔巴尼,OR 97321
    你 must finish registering for classes, including waitlisted, open-entry, and late-starting 在本学期的第二个星期二之前.  第三方支付不受限制 to the same deadlines as student payments, nor are third-party bills sent at the same 学生账单上的时间. 你有责任确保支付你的 及时收到代表. 我们一般希望在结束前付款 的术语.
    If your third-party payer fails to pay, you are responsible for paying all charges 应由你方支付.

  • 检查你的学生账户
    定期在WebRunner查看学生账户余额.  如果你欠钱,也不行 we did not receive the authorization, it is incomplete, or the sponsor is only paying 账单的一部分. 如果你的授权不足以支付你的账单,你会的 需要支付差额 付款截止日期.  Authorized charges will be moved from your account to your sponors account once 已完成授权处理.  任何未支付的费用都将由赞助商承担 revert back to your student account if payment is not recieved within 45 天 of invoice.  赞助商将在学期的第七周开始收到发票.  

  • Do not set up your third party as an Authorized Payee on your student account.

  • 在校园商店进行第三方购物
    It normally takes one business day from the time we receive the authorization to post 你书店账户上的钱. 然而,由于在开始时增加了容量 of the term, it may take an additional day to process forms during that time.  当 making your purchase, indicate the purchase is being paid for with Agency funding.
    • It is best if your sponsor sends your authorization to us early – in most cases, you 你能在开学前买到书和用品吗.
    • 你 are ultimately responsible for the purchases that you make at the campus store. If for any reason your sponsor does not pay, you will be placed on hold (which means you will not be able to register for classes or receive transcripts) and billed for 未支付的项目.
    • Contact your sponsor 直接 with questions about what items you are allowed to purchase. The campus store posts amounts to your account based on the authorization submitted 你的担保人. 我们不允许购买电子产品, 未经特别授权的计算器、背包或电脑.


Are you a business or organization interested in paying educational expenses for 博天堂官方 学生? 与我们建立第三方计费安排,以便我们可以向您计费 直接.


  1. 建立正式的计费安排-计费授权
    授权可以使用我们的 代理付款凭证表格 或者你可以通过电子邮件发送你的授权.  授权书必须印有官方抬头 and include the student’s name, 博天堂官方 ID, and an itemization of all charges to be billed. To set up multiple-term authorizations, specify which terms to authorize (limited 至一学年). 所有第三方账单帐户必须提供有效的美国邮寄 address.
    1. Eligible charges: include tuition and mandatory class fees (lab, Online Learning, student activity, college service, technology, and transportation), books, supplies 还有滞纳金.  授权应尽可能具体到指控 你的公司会付钱的. 例如,如果您授权400美元用于书籍和 $50 for supplies, but would prefer that the student not purchase computer items, please 请在授权表单上注明这一点.
    2. Restrictions: payment cannot be contingent upon grades or successful completion of 班级、入学、出勤或经济援助状况.

  2. 提交授权
    通过 代理付款凭证表格 或通过电子邮件发送至 wheeles@fzmrtz.com.
    1. 计费授权截止日期:授权截止日期为 付款截止日期.  

  3. 付款
    收到发票后付款. 为了确保正确的信用,请参考您的供应商 汇款上的身份证号.  请不要将付款与其他博天堂官方发票合并.
    1. Unpaid charges: Any charges to go unpaid will revert back to the student after 45 天.  Unauthorized bookstore purchases are ultimately the student’s responsibility. If for any reason your organization fails to pay for an item the student charges to their account, we will place that student on hold (which means they will not be able to register for classes or receive transcripts) and we will invoice them 直接 对于购买. 确保你的学生理解你的组织 在他们被送去收费之前你会付款吗.

Please contact the 博天堂官方商务办公室 with any questions at 541-917-4310.


金融援助 will be applied toward any amount due 博天堂官方 before monies are released 学生. 金融援助 checks will be mailed or direct deposited bi-weekly beginning 学期的第二周. 学生可以在WebRunner上注册直接存款.

Student assumes full responsibility for tuition and fees and will be charged late fees if 金融援助 is not disbursed prior to the late fee assessed 日期. 如果金融 Aid is denied or canceled, student remains responsible for all charges unless student 退款期间提现.



  • 学生姓名和身份证/SSN
  • 限制(如果有的话)
  • 捐赠者的博天堂官方、电子邮件和电话号码

奖学金 payable to 博天堂官方 should be received at the time of registration. 博天堂官方 不收取奖学金.

NOTE: Student assumes full responsibility for tuition and fees not covered by the 奖学金和 will be charged late fees if scholarship is not paid prior to late fee assessment 日期.


The business office puts holds on your account when you have an overdue balance. 你 can ask to have the hold temporarily lifted, to allow you to register for an upcoming 通过填入 金融控股上诉.
